Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hello, Death Warmed Up Here!

I have yet another lurgy. This is, I think, my third in a row. They're all kinda running together but I'm sure I've almost recovered twice now and have succumbed again... The first two I managed to keep to a level where they were only mild irritants, not major inconveniences. This one has hit me hard and my body has totally succumbed to the virus.

I know, I know, it is to be expected. This is my first winter in a foreign city that has roughly 25 times the number of people as that of my last place of residence and hence 25 times the number of strange and exotic bugs and nasties that my immune system is running scared of, but I do so wish I could be done with being ill. It's getting very annoying not to mention exhausting. This one has a hacking cough that makes it feel like someone is wacking a pick-axe in my head with every honk, my chest feels like it's bruised, my sinuses like someone has been applying liquid fire to them and my eyes are full of pins.


In a city of at least 7.5 million people, you'd think the damn colds could find someone else's body to take over. Give me a break... just a little one would be ok. A week maybe? A day even would be acceptable.... Please!?!

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