Saturday 30 January 2010

Aunt Millie's Garden Blocks 2 and 3

I have finally made progress!

This is block two, completed over Christmas:

And this is block three, completed just this week:

Only 13 more to go!...
Oi Vey!

Friday 29 January 2010

Hello, I'm Moby!

Pleased to meetcha!

Let me explain:

When the guy who sits next to me saw me this morning, he said "You're moby, aren't you?"

This took me aback. Initially I thought he said mopey, but then processed what he'd actually said and, since he's worked with me for four months now and knows my name's not moby, I intelligently said "What?"

"Moby. Moby Dick."

This statement, still illiciting confusion on my behalf, I shook my head.

"Moby Dick. You know, Sick."


Yeah. Ok, so this rhyming slang thing is still not really what I'm used to. And since I am indeed 'Moby' I had to agree with him.

My first cold of the year, and it's a very visible one. I'm white and shaking and running a temperature. Oh joy.

But at least I can say I'm also a character from a classic novel so life isn't all bad! :)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Happy Australia Day!

Wish I could be there... Hugs!

Friday 22 January 2010

This is the birthday report:

'How wonderful it is to do nothing all day long, and after having done so, to rest.'

Well, not quite nothing. I went into work and had a quiet, relaxing day there due to an error of mine on Monday which saw me take that day off rather than this, but it was a very easy day.

I went out for a getting-older-day meal with a friend last night to a new restaurant here called The Barbican Steakhouse. My meal consisted of fillet steak followed by a drunken chocolate brownie, which are two of my favourite things, and I was not allowed to pay either, which was very, very nice.

I received various emails, texts and even a couple of phone calls from my brothers, which absolutely made my day. It is always lovely to be remembered and to be told I am loved.

I received presents of useful stuff and useless stuff which is really all you'd want in terms of presents.

And now, I am doing one of the most enjoyable things in the world, and curling up in bed with a good book.

Thank you universe, for a pretty perfect birthday.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Thing are looking up again...

They always do come around. It's just hard to remember that in the middle!

Today was a good day.

When I left home, the sky was actually starting to lighten. The days are getting longer and soon I will see the sun come up. I am hanging out for that day!

I also got some good news. My base pass finally came through, which will allow me to roam around the place unescorted. It will also allow me to work in similar situations so might actually improve my job prospects.

And this evening, choir practice resumed. Who can be miserable in the middle of such amazing sound? We're doing Schumman's Requiem 148, which I had / have never heard before. From what we've sung so far, it has some really tricky bits and some really sublime parts to it. I'm going to really enjoy singing it.

So, yeah. A good day. Here's hoping that more like that come around soon.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Flat as a pancake

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. I've been really antsy. I learned, just prior to Christmas, (and what a wonderful Christmas present it was) that I probably wouldn't have a job come March.

My employer (Govt) is having to rationalise to pay for the bank bail out and so all external recruitment has been stopped and all agency contract will not be renewed. Which means me. It's nothing personal, I know they'd keep me if they could, but they can't.

I tried not to let this affect Christmas at home but I think it did. I wasn't as social as I could have been and I missed spending some quality time with my brothers which is a real shame. I just hope I didn't affect their enjoyment of the holiday - I'm so sorry if I did guys!

But ever since I got back, I've not been able to rouse enthusiasm for writing at all. We even had snow for a few days as I reported and I couldn't keep my joy in it alive for long enough to build a snowman which I have wanted to do for years.

I am down.

I hate job hunting and when you feel bad about yourself it's even harder. I've had all this positive feedback from work too - they like me and I like it here so it's doubly damning.

The job market really sucks in the UK right now too. I can guarantee I won't get another job in Plymouth so I'll have to move again.

It all just sucks lemons, so I'm grumpy and writing up-beat blogs is beyond me. Sorry guys. Hoping it will get better soon. Send me cyber hugs in the mean time please!

Yours in a puddle,

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Plymothian Snow

It snowed this morning as I was walking to work. It snowed until about 9am, coating everything in a white brilliance... and then it rained. And unhappily, it didn't stop raining for long enough to dry out so now walking has become rather frighteningly interesting, and everyone is waddling. I almost fell over several times on the way home. A stiff-legged sliding gait is the order of the day. Very weird.

But back to the morning snow. It was amazing, not very heavy and it only managed to create a light coating before being rained on, but it was snow!

And I saw something I'd never seen before: Diamond snow!

You know snow is white of course - the frozen water reflects all light. Sometimes fluffy (this I have yet to see) and sometimes hard, it kind of floats down to the ground, slower than rain, and makes a shushing sound. Well it's ice of course, and in the right light, it sparkles. This morning walking along, when the car headlights caught it just right, it really looked like I was walking through a shower of silver glitter or a rain of tiny diamonds. It was extraordinarily beautiful.

Unfortunately, it was also Bloody Cold! I have just gone and bought myself enough thermal underwear to last the week out and a second hat, one with ear-flaps. Brrrr!

Friday 1 January 2010

What are your new years resolutions?

Mine will be:

1. To finish writing one of my books this year.
2. To eat more vegetables... a thing I always forget to do.
3. To do yoga at least once a week. I love it and I keep forgetting this fact.
4. To see more of England.
5. To find a more permanent job, one I can get my teeth into.

Happy new years 2010 and good luck with whatever you desire to do this year.