Tuesday 5 January 2010

Plymothian Snow

It snowed this morning as I was walking to work. It snowed until about 9am, coating everything in a white brilliance... and then it rained. And unhappily, it didn't stop raining for long enough to dry out so now walking has become rather frighteningly interesting, and everyone is waddling. I almost fell over several times on the way home. A stiff-legged sliding gait is the order of the day. Very weird.

But back to the morning snow. It was amazing, not very heavy and it only managed to create a light coating before being rained on, but it was snow!

And I saw something I'd never seen before: Diamond snow!

You know snow is white of course - the frozen water reflects all light. Sometimes fluffy (this I have yet to see) and sometimes hard, it kind of floats down to the ground, slower than rain, and makes a shushing sound. Well it's ice of course, and in the right light, it sparkles. This morning walking along, when the car headlights caught it just right, it really looked like I was walking through a shower of silver glitter or a rain of tiny diamonds. It was extraordinarily beautiful.

Unfortunately, it was also Bloody Cold! I have just gone and bought myself enough thermal underwear to last the week out and a second hat, one with ear-flaps. Brrrr!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I have snow too! We never ever get snow, so I'm excited :D Haha it's still here at the minute, hasn't washed away yet...