Friday 31 October 2008

NaNoWriMo on the horizon...

The time has come yet again dear friends when I shall be disappearing into the pages of a 50,000 word novel of my own creation in an attempt to complete NaNoWriMo 2008. It matters not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game, and I intend to have as much fun this year as I did last.

Wish me luck and keep track of my progress here and here.

And please excuse me if I disappear - it's hard not too when an imaginary world is occupying my every waking moment. :)

Thursday 30 October 2008

What a slack friend am I!

I discovered today, by dint of a long-overdue phone call, that my friend Sally is about to have another baby. Yes, I do mean about - well, in two months anyway. But this means that I haven't spoken to her for about 7 months. Geez but time does fly. Sorry to all of you who may have been expecting communication and got none! I've been slack and just totally did not notice the time going. And congratulations to Sally of course! Wow. So bummed I'm not there. But Yay for Sally and Tarrig and Aisha! ... And yay for another excuse for me to make a quilt!! :)

Friday 17 October 2008

Meet the newest Oppermann

Ted, aka Teddy Bear ('cause he apparently looks like one), aka Psycho Dog.

Believe me when I tell you he is no where near as docile as he appears in this photo. But he can be quite adorable when he's got a mind and is certainly entertaining. And not yappy either - he's got a very loud bark for such a small animal. Thankfully he doesn't use it all that often.

So, Welcome Teddy!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Life plods...

Home, work, home, work, home. No news on VISA, boo. Got an extension to my contract in Melbourne, yay. Life continues invariably.

Was thinking perhaps that whilst I'm not travelling I should start doing book reviews and movie reviews for your edification. Thoughts?

Friday 3 October 2008

Word of the Day: Enervated

Well, I got this one wrong. Not quite what I thought it was. I was close, but only got a funky banana...

I was thinking about using it to describe the state I was in the other night when I had driven in to work and then from work to Bendigo. The idea being that I was exhausted but so wound up I couldn't relax. I thought that's what enervated meant. Exhausted but with nervous energy or some such. Instead, according to it means:

"without vigor, force, or strength; languid."

So, does anyone know if there is a word that means exhausted and in such a state of exhaustion that you are shaking from it, but at the same time so tense you feel like you're a spring and you can't relax to save yourself?