Sunday 29 November 2009

100,000 Words

One-hundred-thousand words. 100k. 100,000. Two times fifty-thousand words. Four times twenty-five-thousand-words. 100,679 to be precise.

One Hundred K.


Holy Cow.



*Snoopy dance* ya-da-ya-da ya! da! ya-da-ya-da ya! da!

Ah, that feels better.

Now to stop. My hands hurt.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Two Days to Go...

I'm at 94,439 as I write this and my brain has died and my eyes are watering and I have a sugar headache and I'm wearing a wrist brace because my wrist is killing me and I'm missing letters and have to keep retyping words because my fingers are not doing what I want them to... but there are only two days left and I only have just over 5500 words to go!

Stay On Target, STAY ON TARGET!!!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

I lost my cow!

My house keys came with a key-ring-charm of a tiny cow. And it's gone!

I lost my cow!

... I'm sorry, I know it's really not a very exciting thing to be blogging about but every time I say it (the first time completely unselfconsciously I assure you), I smile and giggle. And everyone needs a daily laugh!

Sunday 15 November 2009

50k in 15 Days

I completed NaNo in 15 days.

Holy cow. I mean, wow. Exhaustified and brain dead and amazed and in awe of my fingers and wow.

The last two days were a race to the finish line as I was determined to get there. I was at 38k-ish on Friday night, and that's so reasonably close to 50k I thought I'd see if I could make it to that by the half-way point of Nano. And then I got closer and closer, and more and more determined... and more and more brain dead and tireder and tireder. I had to spend large amounts of time staring into space for inspiration, I lost all coherence and became a mumbling somnolent mess, and I'm not sure I was able to communicate at all on Sunday. But my stubbornness kept me forcing out the words. And I got there. Admittedly I all but crawled over the line (by 54 words to be exact) but I got there!

I had Jason and Charlie over here for the weekend too and all we did was sit and write pretty much. Oh, we did have an absolutely gorgeous meal at the Village Restaurant. It's the best food I've had in Plymouth actually, so I highly recommend it.

But really!

I mean, 50,000 words! In fifteen days! Fifty Thousand Fricken Words! Ha. I shall never doubt my bulls**ting ability again!

Sunday 8 November 2009

Blind insanity or reasonable goal?

I'm thinking of possibly this year for NaNoWriMo aiming for 100,000 words instead of the normal 50k.

I know, this does sound a bit insane, but whereas in the last two years I was, as of the 8th of November, at 12910 and 19853 respectively, this year I'm already past 25k. And in the previous two years I had at least half my days where my word count was less than the allotted 1667 words, but this year I've had no day where I've written less than 2300 words. It would mean I'd need to average 3334 words a day, but I'm not too far off that pace at the moment, and although it seems I can't write more than 3000 on a week night, I'm thinking that the weekends would be my salvation.

This way too, I'm going to hopefully keep myself motivated in the latter half, as at the rate I'm currently going, I'll be past 50k in less than 9 days.

So, Blind Insanity or Reasonable Goal? What do you think?

Saturday 7 November 2009

Happiness is a patch of blue sky.

I'm finding living here a lot easier to deal with than London - even though I get wet regularly, there are patches of sunshine almost every day, and blue bits of sky poke through every so often. The world is a lot easier to deal with if you can see a bit of blue sky. There is very little smog and not too much traffic. There is no Tube! There are fewer muppets and friendlier shop assistants on the whole. Ok, so there aren't the musicals and theatricals and shopping variety that there is in london, but there aren't the crowds and there is virtually no traffic noise either and I live in the city! Much pleasanter.

I'm lying in a spot of sunshine right now in fact. Happiness is a lovely day. Yay for the country!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Rising Damp

It's raining here at the moment. In fact it's been raining a lot lately. I got to Choir practice this evening, and my legs from the knee down were a much darker colour than my trousers above the knee. As I was scooching past one of the older ladies to get to a free seat, she commented "Ah, I see we have rising damp this evening."

I was dripping! :)

These Plymothians crack me up.

Monday 2 November 2009

My Hero: Placky Dacks

It's a tad wet here at the 'mo. Having no wish to repeat the performance of saturation that got me my current cold, I went to Gould's on the weekend (army store) and got myself some plastic rain-proof trousers. I was very happy indeed with this purchase as it poured on me this morning. They worked wonders. In fact my bottoms were dryer than my top was when I got into work.

Unfortunately, I made the fatal error of calling them 'Plastic Pants' in front of my co-workers. In the UK, plastic pants are what babies wear to stop you-know-what from leaking. Here, they're outer-trousers or waterproof trousers (which is sensible I guess if you're into sensible!). I caused hilarity and a repeat of my error to every other staff member that happened to walk past. *sigh*

Well at least I was dry. I may look like a burke, but I'm a DRY burke!

Sunday 1 November 2009

NaNoWriMo 2009!!!

It has begun. The month of madness.

Now I had no intention of being up at the crack of NaNo this year but it would seem my brain had other ideas as it kept me tossing and turning. The lights went out at 10pm sharp, but I just couldn't stop thinking. This is not unusual for me, but the cough certainly isn't helping. About five minutes ago, I suddenly wondered if it was past 12 yet and therefore would it be the first of November? A referral to the mobile said it was indeed past 1 am, and so it most definitely was the first and hereunto the beginning of National Novel Writing Month and since I won't be getting to sleep in the next five minutes, here's to NaNo09!

May the madness never end.