Sunday 29 November 2009

100,000 Words

One-hundred-thousand words. 100k. 100,000. Two times fifty-thousand words. Four times twenty-five-thousand-words. 100,679 to be precise.

One Hundred K.


Holy Cow.



*Snoopy dance* ya-da-ya-da ya! da! ya-da-ya-da ya! da!

Ah, that feels better.

Now to stop. My hands hurt.


Becky said...

WOOOHOO!! You did it! Congrats, I bet it feels great!

Becky xxx

Caitlin said...

Great work Kat!! I can't imagine how many words that really is - it's kind of mind boggling.

Kat said...

Thanks guys!

I'm very pleased but I'm actually having trouble getting my head around it.

Jason B. Standing said...

I believe the appropriate response is:


Well done, old bean. That's very impressive, and I'll bet quite satisfying.

I didn't realise just how strong my procrastination tendency was - turns out I've bought a new laptop, rather than writing a novel. Wow.