Friday 29 January 2010

Hello, I'm Moby!

Pleased to meetcha!

Let me explain:

When the guy who sits next to me saw me this morning, he said "You're moby, aren't you?"

This took me aback. Initially I thought he said mopey, but then processed what he'd actually said and, since he's worked with me for four months now and knows my name's not moby, I intelligently said "What?"

"Moby. Moby Dick."

This statement, still illiciting confusion on my behalf, I shook my head.

"Moby Dick. You know, Sick."


Yeah. Ok, so this rhyming slang thing is still not really what I'm used to. And since I am indeed 'Moby' I had to agree with him.

My first cold of the year, and it's a very visible one. I'm white and shaking and running a temperature. Oh joy.

But at least I can say I'm also a character from a classic novel so life isn't all bad! :)


Jason B. Standing said...

Man, that guy's dicing with danger there - I've never found a woman who was at ease with the suggestion (even if it's only a hint or misinterpretation) that one might be comparing her with a Great White Whale.

Glad you said "What?", and didn't just beat 15 colours of sh1t out of him for it.

Kat said...

Yeah, I am definitely rather ill - the comparison didn't strike me either until I was writing this piece. I'm not sure he's read the book though, so... :D