Friday 29 February 2008

The Day that Doesn't Exist

The 29th of February.

I had some grand thoughts for this non-existent day.

The day should be one on which experimental behaviour is excused and even encouraged. There should be few repercussions for (legal) out-of-character activities. Each person should try something that scares them, something they’ve always wanted to do but were too afraid to.

It should be celebrated. A day to be different. A day to smile at your work mates, the people on the bus and on the street. A day to be someone you're not. Invite that guy or girl you've been ogling for ages out for a drink. Take the plunge and apply for that new job. Make the decision to go sky diving and then go.

Be daring if you’re a scaredy-cat, be outgoing if you're not, maybe be quiet if you're usually loud. Try something new and unusual for you. The day should be one of accomplishments and of experimentation.

Well, that was the way I thought it should be. But it wasn't. I can't think of a more ordinary day than today has been.

So much for an exciting day.

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