Monday 4 February 2008

The Demon Barber of Fleet . . . Street

Not sure that the most appropriate emotion to have coming out of the cinema was joy nor the most appropriate expression a grin but I had both. I really enjoyed Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I've read some criticisms of it, and yes it wasn't perfect, but it was satisfyingly good. Most of the songs from the musical were there, the actors did a great job of singing and acting at the same time, and being a Tim Burton's film, it was as atmospheric and moody as you could wish for. I liked how dark Johnny Depp was as Sweeny, and Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett and Alan Rickman as Judge Turpin were as disturbing and repulsive as they should be. Add to that literally gallons of blood and quite grisly ends for everyone and it was as true to the original as it could be. Loved it!

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