Monday 3 December 2007

Misery on top of agony with a dash of despair thrown in..

Today I am miserable. Yesterday I was more than miserable, I was at death’s door… well, I wanted to die anyway. And the weekend started off so well too.

I’m actually not sure I really want to whinge about the pain here, except that if I write it down, I am less likely to repeat the performance, so it could server as a good reminder of how not to do things in the future…

*Sigh* Please feel free to ignore this entry… it is for self castigation purposes only.

Anyway, the good bits included going to the TGIO (Thank God It’s Over) wrap up party for the NaNoWriMo’s of London on Saturday afternoon. This was held at a pub called The Round Table down in Covent Garden, where I had a great time chatting about the writing woes of NaNo with a group of people I have never met, never talked to or indeed even heard of before. It was really fun and another tick in the box of ‘Things to do that scare you’ – walking into a room full of strangers and introducing yourself as another NaNo nut.

The good bits continued at the Motion bar down at Embankment on Saturday night, where my flat mate was holding her birthday bash. She was the only person I knew there, so I had a lot of fun getting to know another host of new people, most of who were ridiculously good looking, being of Russian decent.

Unfortunately, I forgot to have dinner, and so was nibbling on the platters of food provided, and on said platters there must have been something I was allergic to. Usually I’m very careful of not eating anything suspicious, but between the wine and the new experiences, I’d sort of thrown caution to the winds. Bad idea.

At about 1am I got the first full-blown 36 hour migraine I’ve had in about 7 years. Normally, if I am silly and eat something I shouldn’t, I catch the migraine’s warning signs in time, take the required medication and then it only lasts about 6 hours. This one I missed, and it had me crying in agony well into the wee hours of this morning… being Monday morning, not Sunday morning. I spent all of Sunday throwing up from the pain.

Now… well now I have a hang over from the Migraine.

There is such a thing as taking too many risks Kat.

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