Tuesday 30 October 2007

Temperature Management Failure

I cannot seem to get the hang of the cold weather here. Strange comment, I know, especially from someone who has survived five winters in Canberra spent largely outdoors thanks to a (now defunct) smoking habit. I don’t mean that I can’t handle the cold, that’s not the problem, what I mean is that I can’t seem to be able to judge the appropriate layers of clothing to wear to suit the conditions. I’m either boiling hot or bloody freezing and no-where in between. My jackets are either too warm or too cold, or I wear too many layers or not enough… can someone please explain to me the exact combination of clothing I need to make at each degree of Celsius to actually be comfortable?? Because I am failing entirely to manage this London weather thing. In Canberra it was fine – when it was cold, it was bloody, bloody cold and when it was warm it was sweltering. I never had a problem choosing the appropriate clothing then… what’s gone wrong? Where has my sixth clothing sense gone? … Grrr

1 comment:

Jason B. Standing said...

It's OK mate... give it another month or 2 and you'll just be wearing all of your jackets simultaneously, only held on by the liberal tying-around of whatever scarves you have available.