Sunday 7 October 2007

Holy Shit

Now, I know I said I’d not say no to stuff whilst I'm over here - but no-one asked me to do this. I just did it, of my on volition, without thinking about it. Crap. Why did I do this? What am I putting myself up for?

What’s the fuss about? I've just signed up for NaNoWriMo idiot that I am. This is HUGE for me. Writing a novel is something I’ve always had on my list of ‘Things To Do’, but it was always “I’ll get around to it…eventually”. Not “Right NOW Dammit”!

NaNoWriMo is a month long writing spree conducted by thousands of people world-wide for the month of November. The aim is to achieve a novel of 50,000 words or more within that month, and the emphasis is on quantity not quality, so your internal editor is shut in a box and pure creative bullshit ensues. Anyone who completes the word-limit in the time limit (and only about 17% of the participants do) gains international bragging writes, the self-satisfaction of achieving a personal goal and the first draft of a potential novel.

Mind you, the aim for me was always just to write a book, not to become an author. It never has to be published thank goodness. But I guess this will really push me to see if I can do it, and if I can, I will then have it under my belt as another accomplishment.

But oh dear… my head is spinning. It’s a very big commitment. Better make sure I don’t plan too many activities in November. May not be blogging much that month either.

50,000 words. Wow.

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