Wednesday 3 October 2007

The fridge that isn't...

I have had a no-exercise week. Why? Because I ate something I shouldn't'a on Monday night and have been paying the penance for it ever since.

I forgot the cardinal rules of our fridge:
1. Never trust the milk no matter how fresh it is
2. Detract at least 3 days from all other Used By dates
3. Eat at Your Own Risk

I forgot rules two and three and have been feeling remarkably like a punching bag ever since. Used by dates don't mean anything in this country. It's all 'use three days after opening' regardless of when it's 'Due'... which always confuses me!

Every time I do anything more strenuous than a gentle amble, my entire intestinal tract seizes up and lets me know in no uncertain terms that it is feeling exceedingly delicate thank you very much and to please walk slower or else suffer the agonizing death of one thousand cramps. My shoulders are sore from the amount of time I've spent hunched over.

Needless to say, Salsa was off the menu for tonight. I'm catching up with the Muppets instead, and hoping against hope that the bland and boring chicken dish thing I bought for this evenings repast is well within it's used by date...


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