Friday, 31 August 2007


I’m learning a lot about my own language living in this country. I keep using Australian colloquialisms which then have to be explained to my work mates as there aren’t any other Aussies there, and I find I need to look up the accepted definition myself as I’ve been using the words for so long I’m no longer sure if I have the meaning correct.

Today’s word was Scroggin. This is a mixture of nuts, dried fruit and occasionally chocolate use by bushwalkers as a snackable energy source on the go. I interrogated the www and someone at Wiki has found a way of describing what it is that uses the constituents to form an acronym.

Orange peel (candied)
Ginger (crystallised)
Glucose (barley sugar / lollies)
Improvisation / Imagination

As good a way to describe it as any. You learn something new every day.

The year away is proving to be an endless education. The differences in language, customs, products and practices between all the various nationalities represented at my work result in an endless supply of new discussion topics. It’s very interesting and quite a bit of fun.

May I continue to learn to the end of my days!

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