Sunday 5 August 2007

What happened to the adventure?

I'm not sure quite sure what has happened to me.

I just spent the whole weekend at home and I did nothing. I was by myself, the flatmate being in Europe for a week, and all I did was watch the telly and do my washing. I think I only left the place for an hour to get food. Other than that, I was a total bum. I used the excuse of no money (which admittedly is entirely true) to avoid even going out to the park with Brads. I really did not feel like company - was not in a people kind of mood. But still, I could have done something without company!!

What has happened to me? Why am I not thirsting for adventure? With all there is to see in London – and there is so much more to see! – Why am I not going out and doing stuff?

This weekend was a real de-ja vu episode from almost every weekend I spent in Canberra.

Maybe I needed the down time. Maybe I was revelling in the fact that I finally have a home to be lazy in. Maybe I needed to have a ‘normal’ weekend to recapture some sense of security.

All I know is that I am now disappointed in myself for having wasted the opportunity. I have a limited number of weekends in this country, and to waste one on doing nothing is… well, a waste!

Note to self: From now on, no matter how I feel, I will do something each weekend I’m here. If I don’t feel like company, I’ll do something which doesn’t require company, but I will do something!

Sheesh Girl! Get off your backside!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Hi Kat

This is Tara here........from Adelaide back in the far distant venturer days! I found your blog listed on Jason's blog and wondered if it was you and it is! I can't believe you used to live in Canberra, as I live 3 hours from there, and am a regular visitor to Canberra!!!

Your tales of your life in the UK have been enjoyable to read, hope to get there some day.
