Monday 14 January 2008

Recent movies...

Saw the movie St.Trinians. Not impressed really. Mildly amusing romp with no real story line and no satisfying conclusion. Would prefer not to have paid to see it really.

Also saw the movie Charlie Wilson's War. Better, although I hated the absence of an ending. Interesting story - it's based on true events - and it kept me chuckling along nicely but I found that it didn't inspire me in any way. And the director tried to manipulate the audiences emotions too much at the end, probably because there really wasn't one.

So two mildly disappointing films really.

1 comment:

Jason B. Standing said...

Saw Charlie Wilson's War the other night as well. Not *bad*, and certainly a great performance by Philip Seymour Hoffman, but as with many Hollywood films - they're never content with just making a point or statement; they seem to have to batter you about the head with it several times just to make sure everyone's got it. Oh yeah, and that whole "makes you think, doesn't it?" thing the director overtly-yet-subtly does... grr. Hollywood.