Sunday 25 November 2007


Ok, so I've been a very bad correspondent recently. I apologise profusely and I promise that I will rectify that lapse shortly. You can be assured that I am still alive, albeit rather delirious right now.

Deliriously Happy that is.

You see... I finally did it! I have reached the target, hit the mark, and completed 50,000 words of a novel in ...well, less that 30 days. Actually it's 50,031 and I intend to grow it further, but the pressure is now off, and I can return to normal programming...

So, you can expect some posts here shortly.

Can't really believe I've actually reached the count. Very surreal, in a very good way.

Wohooo! Yipeee! Wee he he he he.... It won't happen overnight but it will happen!

.... ok, now I REALLY need to get some sleep!

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