Friday 28 September 2007

My first care package

I received my first care package today. Mum sent me much needed supplies of Irish Breakfast Tea and cold-defeating vitamins. But when I picked it up from the post office, the lady there gave me the strangest look… my package you see was absolutely coated in stamps of various Australian animals… 43 of them to be precise.

Now I spoke to mum and apparently this wasn’t her doing. However, the ladies at her local PO know her well and knew that this package was going to her overseas-and-a-long-way-from-home daughter. So without consulting her they seem to have decided that it would be nice to decorate the box in the appropriately Australian manner with lots of reminders of home to cheer me up.

It certainly had me grinning my head off and chortling at inappropriate moments all the way home. I’ve never received a parcel quite like it before. Thank you ladies!

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