Tuesday 29 May 2007

Post Office Argey-Bargey

Goodness gracious me! I was in the Royal Post office just now - and the line was longer than I've seen at most ticketing outlets! - when this woman in the line behind me decided to tell me in no uncertain terms that my backpack was a nuisance to society and should be banned and shame on me for not saying sorry for having one ...Huh???... I may have hit her with it at some stage, or it could have been just the fact that I was 'waving it around' was really annoying her - but I can't have hit her at all hard because I'd have felt it, and she was the one that was standing so close to me that every time I moved she had to avoid it - but until lashing out at me, she had said not a word. I think I said that I'd not realised I had hit her and I apologise - which really took the wind out of her sails. Obviously wanted to be mad at someone and decided that me and my offending backpack were a prime target. Well I never! A real 'What the...?' moment.

Was feeling better today so decided to get out of the house and see a little of London - and it's now hailing - so I have taken shelter in the nearest Internet cafe. I have also discovered to my horror that I can't drink the coffee they serve at most places here - it gives me a right old stomach ache... and I used to drink up to three cafe coffees a day at work back home. Wah! I should not have left the house today I do think.

Never mind. Onwards and outwards... to a craft store if I can find one. I need press-studs. Which they call something else here - Metal clasps or something? Courgettes (Zucchini), Cling Film (Glad Wrap), Aubergines (Egg Plant) and now Metal Clasps. Weird!

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