Sunday 27 May 2007

Oi Vay!

I have finally had a little relax time this weekend, enforced by some sort of wicked bug, but nice none the less. And even nicer that I have Richard and Hillary's flat to doss in whilst resting - and I have it to myself too, as they are away on a Whisky Tour of Scotland at the moment. It has been a very hectic few weeks. I still haven't blogged about the Hong Kong part of the trip, nor Helen's Hens Night - which was a lot of fun - and I've missed a lot else. Will eventually catch up when I get some down time, but that is in short supply at the moment, so this isn't going to be an accurate up-to-date kind of blog, but more of an occasional when-I-have-time-for-it blog.

I am still getting to grips with all this new technology - blogs, digital camera, wireless networks and all. For someone who hasn't been able to do a lot of really hands on IT for the last five years, it is a little confronting but also a lot of fun. The only problem is that I'm spending so much time playing, I'm getting further and further behind in blogging and archiving photos and all that gaff... ah well. It's all interesting so I'm happy and too bad if no-one else is!! :)

The weather has also conspired to keep me away from the computer until now - it had been lovely and sunny all last week. I even got a little sunburned on one of my days out! But now it is pouring with rain and has done so since yesterday afternoon. So all-in-all, good weather to stay indoors, recover health, and catch up on sleep.

I will try to do another backwards looking blog in a little while - am still trying to sort out how to publish photos to the web and get them into the blog effectively. The first program I tried called picasa2 - which is assocaited with Google and so would have been good to use as my email address and this blog are both Google based - crashed my computer every time I tried to upload photos to the web. The first time(s) I have ever had the blue screen of death on this laptop, and it is from a trusted company! Grrr... So am now trying Flickr - but I am not sure how to connect from Yahoo to Google... am having fun playing!

So, until then - adios!

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