Thursday 24 May 2007

Hopeless Strikes Again

Well... I think I did warn you all that I was an absolutely hopeless correspondent - anyone who knows me knows this at any rate. So I've not been keeping up with this blog and I'm already 10 days or so into the trip.

But never mind - I am now in London - day three, or rather night three right now. I have spent today in Job-hunting mode as yesterday was all about tourist stuff (also because, due to yesterdays excessive walking, I now have blisters on my blisters!) and I may actually have a job opportunity. I missed out on one due to lack of Internet... and when did getting a job depend entirely on your access to the web??? But the very nice man at the recruitment agency emailed me after our conversation and let me know of another - in Cardiff. That's in Wales for the uninitiated. Could be quite fun. The plan was, that if I fail to get a job before going to Poland with Sally, I would make my way up to Edinburgh and try to get a job there. I would at least get to see some of the country that way. But maybe instead of Scotland, I will see Wales... nothing is happening quite as I expected it to on this trip.

My only activity for today was an orientation session with a company called 1st contact, who are hopefully going to help me set up a bank account - a process which has hairs on it here - and gave me all sorts of useful information and websites to look for jobs and housing on. I was quite happy to have been introduced to the service let me tell you.

But I have loads of stuff I haven't blogged about - so let me end this blog and go backwards and hopefully catch up on the first half of the trip....

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