Friday 4 April 2008

Last Day of Work

I have finished out my contract and have handed over to my replacement who is a lovely girl whom I'm sure will do well. So my time at the ** is now officially over. So yeah...

It feels wierd. I'm at a bit of a lose end and not just because I don't have a job to go to. I don't feel as if I am as upset as I somehow should be. Being a contractor, it was a lot easier to leave this position than any of my previous jobs, so maybe that was it. Somewhere, my brain is telling me it should have been harder or more emotionally difficult to lose a job, so it's currently a little non pulsed that it wasn't. But if this is the way of contracting, then I'm not that unhappy. Easy gets my vote. But still... it just doesn't feel right yet.

Ah well. So, now it's packing and then... Home James.

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