Saturday 2 June 2007

Sunny London... what?

Ok, so it was raining all last week pretty much, but I was rather ill and so couldn't go out, so rain was fine with me. Now that I'm all better, it's sunny again, and I really don't believe in karma, but I do believe someone out there is feeling friendly-like towards me... having said that of course, it will now start raining and be miserable. Murphy's law and reverse psychology can always be depended on to work just when you don't want them to. Although why I would want it to rain again has me puzzled - something to do with residual Australian water-hoarding tendencies perhaps?

Talking about reverse psychology, I'd like to bring you all up to date on my future activities, just because I can. My intention is to meet up with Sally and her sister by Tuesday of this week (CALL ME!!!), and go off to Poland for a week of Tourism. We're to go to a friend of Sally's wedding, and the Salt Mines there which are supposed to be spectacular as well as to Auschwitz. Why Auschwitz? Well, my reason for wanting to go to the camp stems back to my trip to Washington several years ago and my visit to the Holocaust museum there. Which I would highly recommend to anyone who is in Washington. It was incredible. But it is the only museum at which I have ever cried, and so moved me that I want to know more. I've always had a fascination with history - albeit a skewed one and generally more geared towards masonry, swords and armour than actual events - but the Holocaust has gripped me to such a degree that I want to go and witness where such an atrocity took place. So, an appalling and sobering trip that will be I'm sure.

However, and getting back to the point about reverse psych, I have then (from the 12th of June) lined up a trip to go to Edinburgh in Scotland. I want to see the castle and the town up there, so I've booked a train ticket and a Backpackers hostel. I've also been madly applying for jobs, so far unsuccessfully, but I'm hoping that since I've arranged to go to Scotland, a job will suddenly come up in London for which I am qualified and for which they want a lovely Australian holiday maker - ie me - to start as soon as possible. Hence forcing me to give up the Scotland trip (Murphy in action) but gaining me a job (the psych thing)... well, I'll live in hope at any rate!

But in the mean time, I still have a couple more days in Sunny London, so am going to have another crack at Portobello road, which I visited last Wednesday (in the rain), and found it empty - the market only functions on the weekend apparently - very disappointed. And hopefully, if Sally or Kirsten ever get in touch with me, I'll be going out and celebrating Sally's 30th with them. We were going to go and see Wicked the musical... so where are you Sally?

Anyhoo, will write again soon if I'm able. Must remember to give you all a list of where I've been so far too - have seen lots of famous sites around London so far! Very cool. But until then...

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