Wednesday 27 June 2007

Stasis Leak

A report apropos of nothing.

I am still alive. I am job hunting. I am not doing much else. I am in stasis until I get a job.

Until I get the job, I can't get a house. Until I get a house, I can't acquire more clothing because I can't carry the stuff I have already. Due to my inability to carry more, I have to do laundry more frequently, as I don't have enough casual clothes to carry me through a week. So my impact on London's limited water supply, and hence the Environment, is much greater even though I have virtually nothing. And please don't mention to me the weight of books. I am desperate to expand my library - my comfort and my constant companions - but I can't carry OR afford any more. Although, truth to tell, I am not sick of living out of a suitcase yet. Probably because I have somewhere I can leave it in safety. Thank you Richard and Hillary.

But in the mean time, my lack of permanence is curiously disturbing and yet it isn't. I feel free and constrained at the same time. It is liberating to feel that I can decide to go to Bristol tomorrow if I wish, and have no responsibility to anyone or anything. But I am edgy because I have no stability.

My stasis is leaking... I want to be doing something, or being somewhere or acquiring anything rather than waiting around for someone to give me a job. Grr! Argh!

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