Friday 16 October 2009

Knocking Pipes

My pipes creak!

I have never experienced this phenomenon before. I've heard of it, and read about it in novels, and seen it on TV. And from one memorable episode of red dwarf, I laughed my head off about it. But I've never witnessed it.

This is an older house so when I moved in I was expecting the usual creeks and groans. There are also 12 people living here (finally established the actual number) so I kind of expected strange noises to be happening and didn't really think much on those I did hear. There were a couple of regular one's I noticed in passing but didn't really pay attention to; there was a fairly persistent knocking sound that I thought was probably something loose somewhere and a door-closing recurring creak that puzzled me. But I never thought they were coming from my room. But so they are!

Today for the first time, I noticed that the heating element / radiator things were on finally. I went over to mine to get warm and then heard the knocking I'd been hearing coming from beside the radiator. And the noise that sounds like a door is gradually creaking shut is the radiator itself.

So I have talking pipes! How very cool. And how very annoying!

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