Saturday 31 October 2009


I am an IDIOT. Certifiable. You’d think I’d learn wouldn’t you? I know my body, I know its limits, I know its quirks and its quibbles, and yet I ignore all the warning signs for what?

All this last week I’ve been battling a cold. Now, I know that the best thing for me when in the middle of a cold is lots of rest and relaxation. Most of the time I am good and obey this rule and come out of it quite cleanly with only a few days of foulness to deal with. But when I don’t, then I can often find myself completely bed-ridden for days with a nasty fever and wracking cough – you know the kind I mean? The type that makes it feel like you’re hammering a spike into your head every time you splutter? Yeah, one of those.

So, what have I been doing every day this week? Walking to and from work in the cold and the wind (45mins each way) and spending 8 hours concentrating. And Friday, warning of all warnings, I was falling asleep at my computer – literally! I had something like six cups of coffee and I still wasn’t staying awake. But did I go home early? No, I battled on.

And even with all that, did I take it easy? Did I rest? Today what did I do? Get up early and go shopping, is what! Stupid, Stupid girl.

I got halfway to the shops and the shakes started. I ignored them, got some chocolate and a coffee and kept going. The cough became the spike-hammering kind half-way to Sainsburys but I went and did the food shop anyway.

Now the shakes won’t stop, the cough has settled in and I feel so rotten I want to cry. And Bonus: I have a fever.

And I am supposed to be starting NaNo tomorrow. Oh what a complete and utter, utter, utter, utter Idiot am I. Someone hit me will you? I assure you, the punch you give me will feel better than my head does right now.

Sleep, I implore you, come and take me away from my stupid self.

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