Wednesday 12 August 2009

Bluuuuue! NO! Greeeeeen!

I have been quite lucky in the timing of my arrival in Plymouth. There's been lots of things happening for a summer festival that the city has organised, so I've had things to do whilst I was waiting for a job.

One of these 'things' just happened to be the British Firework Championships, held in Plymouth every year on 'The Hoe', which is a large green area facing the Sound of Plymouth. Six fireworks companies compete for 10 minutes each over two nights to be crowned king. That's 60 minutes of fireworks for the proles to watch folks! And 60 minutes of GOOD fireworks too. Very, Very, Very Cool!

I, unfortunately, started my first day of work on the first night of the championships, so crashed out and slept through it... well, almost. The backpackers is located quite close to the foreshore, so I was woken up several times by some pretty loud bangs. It also happened that the first night was the good night - no clouds and minimal wind.

The second night (this evening) there was almost complete cloud cover and some misting rain. This is of course the night which I chose to go. Anyway, I enjoyed it and saw lots of pretty colours and heard many loud bangs and here are some photos to prove it.

And for any of you who went to the Royal Show at Adelaide Show Grounds... remember the announcer? Every time I see fireworks, I think of that guy! :)

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