Wednesday 11 March 2009

NYE at the Reeds.

Ok, so this was a while ago now but I'm still behind and lagging further but it's worth mentioning anyway.

This was fun - kinda scary but fun. I took a plane over to Adelaide just for the night. Had dinner with the Burgess's and saw Tim for an instant but the reason was to surprise Kerry et al. And I did manage that.

I have many memories of parties at the Reeds. I've known Kerrie and Grant for longer than I care to remember... in fact I think we may have actually have reached the 20 year mark in terms of time known... whoishka.

Anyhoo. Memories. Bob standing on top of the pool house and singing musical numbers at the top of his lungs - somehow I don't think he damaged himself despite a fall perhaps because he was mightily drunk. He may also have been accompanied by Ted but I can't be sure... I was probably drunk myself.

My first, and last, trial of an illicit substance was at the Reeds. I came, I saw, I tried and I spent the rest of the night fertilising a bush out the front of their place with the contents of my stomach. Needless to say didn't try that again. Still very, very, very grateful to Marty for looking after me that night.

I remember not quite avoiding being thrown into the pool by somebody and killing my current watch thereby. Not that this was a tradgedy. I went through three or four watches a year back then.

And who could forget Gang Show friday night parties with a recitation by Phill of 'The Day MaCather Farted' with all the back-stage crew actually there balancing out the youngsters.

I also remember a couple of Movie Nights / Sleepovers when in Venturers with Roie and Kerry and feeling like a gangly kid in comparrison to those two sophistocated beauties.

And now, Bob is married with two kids, Andrew is married with one and expecting another, Patrick is married with one, Dan George is married to Cassie and they have one, Ted is married and Rodger is engaged. Who'd'a thunk it? And Julia's two kids are almost 9 and almost 5 or thereabouts. Time flies way too fast.

So scary to have a yardstick whereby I can actually see I've aged but fun to see the old place one last time and revisit so many good times.

1 comment:

Jason B. Standing said...

Interested at the idea of Roie & Kerri being "sophisticated" :) "Lovely", yes.

As for MacArthur... well luckily he's still circulating.

"Some said he came from Bunker's Run,
some said from Fairview Park,
but one thing they all agreed on -
he sure knew how to fart!
And this was proved one day, beyond the shadow of a doubt...."