Thursday 15 January 2009

NaNoWriMo 2008 Wrap Up

Another belated blog harking back to November last year, and written as if I were still in 2008, as I was in fact when I wrote it:

I actually managed to complete NaNo again this year and I am quite proud of myself.

So far I haven't read any part of the story I wrote though. Going on what happened last year, it too will be an unmitigated mess. You see, instead of reading this years (as you are supposed to give yourself some distance from a new story when first finished) I have started to go through last year's NaNo story. I'm rather appalled. The vision I had in my head has not been transferred to paper at all and the number of spelling and punctuation mistakes - not to mention half-sentences and unfinished thoughts - are legionary. I honestly don't know where to begin sorting it out. Most of it literally doesn't make sense.

Ah well. I enjoyed doing it and I finished it and that was what mattered. But I hate to think how bad this year's story is. I got interrupted so many times on the train - which was my only real writing time except for weekends - that the amount of disjointed sections, half-sentences and repeats are going to be incredible. But I did it. And if I ever want to become a writer in actual fact and not just in my head, I'll keep doing it.

So now I have two stories which have beginnings, middles and ends. Pity they go from A to Z through Alpha Centauri.

Still haven't read it. Am afraid to now. Will attack it some time soon. The old one has been put into a bin until I have more patience than I do now.

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