Friday 12 September 2008

Shirt-sleaves at last!

Finally, at long last, this morning I was able to take off my coat on my walk in to work and the wind didn't bite me or give me goose bumps.

I have been unknowingly longing for this moment for months. You Northerners think your winter is hard enough - try two winters in a row. It's very bleak I can tell you.

Admittedly I'm not at all really looking forward to a coastal Australian summer with the typical 40 degree heatwaves. Especially since I haven't experienced one at all in the last two years and only Canberra's Indian version for the five years before that.

But this morning, walking along in a warm breeze laden with the distinctive scent of wattle and feeling the sun warming my face and gently heating my clothes... it was utterly glorious.

I'm the colour of milk I'm so pale, so I'll have to be ultra careful about sun burn this year, but oh! The ability to get burnt! Having a sun to burn under! I almost feel like crying, it is so VERY good!


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